Project Highlights

Typical evaluations begin with descriptions of inputs (such as professional development activities or new curricula). Evaluations then typically move on to measuring outcomes, then the evaluations continue looking for further impacts, or “rippling outs” of the effects of the inputs. There are competing models, however, this is the standard model and the one that holds greatest currency in the field.

For the typical DSRA evaluation, this classic model is normally used. However, the DSRA evaluation is distinguished by virtue of its following characteristics:

• Efficient and fully-disclosed use of resources
• Explicit alignment between project goals, research questions, samples, and methods
• Clear explanations of the use of indicators and how their analyses were carried out
• Strong commitments to clarity of reporting results
• Building for the strategic goals of the project that go beyond the current needs of the project.

Our research is unwaveringly executed within the contexts of resourceful, adaptive, and reflective learning for the sake of project management, improvement, and accountability. The DSRA evaluation helps projects do their work with greater focus, and to greater effect.